Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Modifications Pacri Own Meat

COOKING for Pranatalia Pratami Nugraheni, public relations staff of UB, a derivative hobby from his parents who also likes to make processed food for the family meal.As a retired civil servant, parents of the woman who was familiarly called Leah is a lot of exploring various cities in order to service at the Central Institute of Statistics (BPS), from where the mother is able to make preparations, which later in his creations into a new menu.Mother of one child said, the meat became one favorite food on his family. Processed meat is cooked for the satay, rendang, until Pacri many served as one of the daily menu."No need to wait for any special occasion, if you want made," said the eldest of three brothers.On the sidelines of busyness as a publicist, Leah always take the time to cook. Usually if the morning had not visited the kitchen, then Lia chose the night as the perfect time to prepare food."Sometimes to find food that is also durable, able to eat all day," he said.But too often, Leah must often cook, especially when there are families who sambang to his house located on the street Fish Piranha."Most of the time ripe to create a niece asked her mother," Auntie here kok cook it? "Hahaha," the story of Leah chuckled while her nephew imitate speech.This time, Lee was invited to cook meat Parci. Food typical of Pontiac is basically made from the main pineapple. However, because the family of the mother of Abhishek (2 years), this includes meat lover, then the preparations were slightly modified to better suit the tastes."First try (cooking) time in Pontianak. Strange at first because of him that yes pacri pineapple. But after a try, people there like it too. Every social gathering there are events like this ripe, "the story of Leah.Cooking is also a favorite both Leah and the family is Kerapu Taucho seasoning. The basic ingredients for grouper is processed by steaming. This food is a favorite of the father because the manufacturing process is not much use of oil."Grouper has a soft textured flesh and a lot of it was white. Even in the head there was thick enough so the meat can be enjoyed, "he said.
Eliminate rancid meat softenedSame material, but if cooked by different people could be different also result. Well, there are a few tips from the Culinary Leah serve for you. Can be directly put into practice at home nich. . .
GrouperGrouper Grouper traffic system is the main ingredient for seasoning Taucho. Marine fish that live in coral reefs has a name well-known coral reef fishes. As is generally characteristic of fish, grouper also have to rank the level is high enough.To overcome this, Lee has some tips. The first is to clean the fish scales to really clean. "The contents of the stomach and gills should also be discarded. Source of stench was there, "says Lia.By removing the entrails and gills, the fish will be more durable because the cause of the smell was gone. "Fish is also not quickly decay," he said.The second stage is to soak the fish with a mixture of lime juice, salt and pepper. This mixture was in addition to effectively remove the smell of fish was also able to make the fish meat has a flavor.
OnionsOnions are large. onions are usually not used directly discharged. So as not to quickly decompose, then Leah suggested that the section used first is the top (base)."If it is left the end, it will not quickly decay because he can grow. Later if allowed to get out long shoots, "he explained excitedly.
PineapplePineapple on Pacri in addition to functioning to build a sense of fresh also serves to soften the meat. Choice of beef cooked with scrubs in a pineapple will make the process of softening the meat becomes faster."The ability to soften the meat pineapple higher than papaya. I never cooked goat meat is covered with pineapple. The meat can be destroyed lho for being too soft, "the story of Leah.
DeafDeaf has a Latin name Illicium verum. In some areas, one kind of spice it had a different name. In Java, call deaf people, the Balinese call him as star anise, while European countries called star anise because of its shape resembles a star."Its function is to smell the food. Simply one deaf to a pot of meat pacri. Herbs can be purchased at the store, the supermarket was there, "he explained.
Sugar = MSGThe combination of salt and sugar is the flavor of the most healthful. Do not use artificial flavorings
PACRI MEATMaterial:· Scrubs beef in 1 / 2 kg diced· Pineapple diced peeled 2 pieces· Santan from half coconut· Salt to taste· Sugar to taste· Cooking oil for sauteing
Blend:· Red onion 6 cloves· Garlic 5 cloves· Coriander 1 / 2 tsp· Flashed 10 grains· Deaf 1 pc· Chili 6 units· Paste 1 tsp· Cumin to taste· Turmeric 1 / 2 segment of the little finger· Red sugar to taste· Ginger a joint thumb
Crushed:· Laos a joint thumb· 2 stalks Lemongrass
Method:1. Materials that have been mashed sauteed until fragrant2. Enter the beef and pineapple that have been diced3. Cook until meat is tender4. Enter the coconut milk, cook until sauce thickens slightly5. Add salt and sugar to taste
Grouper seasoning TAUCHO
Material:· Grouper 3 / 4 kg· Orange juice 1 fruit· Pepper powder 1 / 2 tsp· Tauco 3 tbsp· Leaves onion 3 stalks, cut into 2 cm· Green tomatoes diced 1 piece
Seasonings:· Red onion 5 cloves· Garlic 4 cloves· Onions 1 / 2 fruit· Ginger 1 vertebra pinkie· Laos 1 / 2 segment of the little finger· Bay leaves 3 leaves· To taste Oil for frying· Salt to taste· Sugar to taste· Air 3 cups· Red chillies 2 pieces in 1 cm pieces· Green chillies 2 pieces in 1 cm pieces· Chili pepper 6 pieces
Method:1. Dispose of fish scales and gills, keratkan fish, wash out2. Marinate with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Set aside3. Cook the water in the steamer, wait until the water boils4. Steam the fish until cooked. Lift, put dipiring food.5. Sliced red onions, onions.6. Crushed garlic, ginger, and laos7. Sauté the spices until fragrant.8. Add tauco and water9. Add green onion and tomato.10. Add salt and sugar. Cook until cooked green onions wilt. Lift.11. Sprinkle seasoning over the grouper which was placed dipiring misstatement.12. Serve.

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