Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Guava Juice and Orange to Energizer

Consumption of fruit also become mandatory for athletes in addition to eating vegetables. In the family Mummy Elga, there are some pieces that have to be ready to make juice, the guava and orange. Both pieces are believed to maintain stamina and endurance families who have high activity in this sport."Juz guava important to stamina, as well as orange juice have vitamin C content," said Mami Elga.Ways of making these juices such as making juice in general. Only preferred guava fruit juice as an ingredient maker. Usually add a little honey for properties more pronounced. If you drink orange juice became mandatory after dining at home, yet another armed with a drink during the race. Usually the mom is always diligent in preparing energy drinks every time the princess in a race. The last time the race that followed Elga is a bicycle race in the Olympic arena in Singapore. And SMK N 9 Malang was also successfully achieved the order to seven participants from 32 countries

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