Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Modifications Pacri Own Meat

COOKING for Pranatalia Pratami Nugraheni, public relations staff of UB, a derivative hobby from his parents who also likes to make processed food for the family meal.As a retired civil servant, parents of the woman who was familiarly called Leah is a lot of exploring various cities in order to service at the Central Institute of Statistics (BPS), from where the mother is able to make preparations, which later in his creations into a new menu.Mother of one child said, the meat became one favorite food on his family. Processed meat is cooked for the satay, rendang, until Pacri many served as one of the daily menu."No need to wait for any special occasion, if you want made," said the eldest of three brothers.On the sidelines of busyness as a publicist, Leah always take the time to cook. Usually if the morning had not visited the kitchen, then Lia chose the night as the perfect time to prepare food."Sometimes to find food that is also durable, able to eat all day," he said.But too often, Leah must often cook, especially when there are families who sambang to his house located on the street Fish Piranha."Most of the time ripe to create a niece asked her mother," Auntie here kok cook it? "Hahaha," the story of Leah chuckled while her nephew imitate speech.This time, Lee was invited to cook meat Parci. Food typical of Pontiac is basically made from the main pineapple. However, because the family of the mother of Abhishek (2 years), this includes meat lover, then the preparations were slightly modified to better suit the tastes."First try (cooking) time in Pontianak. Strange at first because of him that yes pacri pineapple. But after a try, people there like it too. Every social gathering there are events like this ripe, "the story of Leah.Cooking is also a favorite both Leah and the family is Kerapu Taucho seasoning. The basic ingredients for grouper is processed by steaming. This food is a favorite of the father because the manufacturing process is not much use of oil."Grouper has a soft textured flesh and a lot of it was white. Even in the head there was thick enough so the meat can be enjoyed, "he said.
Eliminate rancid meat softenedSame material, but if cooked by different people could be different also result. Well, there are a few tips from the Culinary Leah serve for you. Can be directly put into practice at home nich. . .
GrouperGrouper Grouper traffic system is the main ingredient for seasoning Taucho. Marine fish that live in coral reefs has a name well-known coral reef fishes. As is generally characteristic of fish, grouper also have to rank the level is high enough.To overcome this, Lee has some tips. The first is to clean the fish scales to really clean. "The contents of the stomach and gills should also be discarded. Source of stench was there, "says Lia.By removing the entrails and gills, the fish will be more durable because the cause of the smell was gone. "Fish is also not quickly decay," he said.The second stage is to soak the fish with a mixture of lime juice, salt and pepper. This mixture was in addition to effectively remove the smell of fish was also able to make the fish meat has a flavor.
OnionsOnions are large. onions are usually not used directly discharged. So as not to quickly decompose, then Leah suggested that the section used first is the top (base)."If it is left the end, it will not quickly decay because he can grow. Later if allowed to get out long shoots, "he explained excitedly.
PineapplePineapple on Pacri in addition to functioning to build a sense of fresh also serves to soften the meat. Choice of beef cooked with scrubs in a pineapple will make the process of softening the meat becomes faster."The ability to soften the meat pineapple higher than papaya. I never cooked goat meat is covered with pineapple. The meat can be destroyed lho for being too soft, "the story of Leah.
DeafDeaf has a Latin name Illicium verum. In some areas, one kind of spice it had a different name. In Java, call deaf people, the Balinese call him as star anise, while European countries called star anise because of its shape resembles a star."Its function is to smell the food. Simply one deaf to a pot of meat pacri. Herbs can be purchased at the store, the supermarket was there, "he explained.
Sugar = MSGThe combination of salt and sugar is the flavor of the most healthful. Do not use artificial flavorings
PACRI MEATMaterial:· Scrubs beef in 1 / 2 kg diced· Pineapple diced peeled 2 pieces· Santan from half coconut· Salt to taste· Sugar to taste· Cooking oil for sauteing
Blend:· Red onion 6 cloves· Garlic 5 cloves· Coriander 1 / 2 tsp· Flashed 10 grains· Deaf 1 pc· Chili 6 units· Paste 1 tsp· Cumin to taste· Turmeric 1 / 2 segment of the little finger· Red sugar to taste· Ginger a joint thumb
Crushed:· Laos a joint thumb· 2 stalks Lemongrass
Method:1. Materials that have been mashed sauteed until fragrant2. Enter the beef and pineapple that have been diced3. Cook until meat is tender4. Enter the coconut milk, cook until sauce thickens slightly5. Add salt and sugar to taste
Grouper seasoning TAUCHO
Material:· Grouper 3 / 4 kg· Orange juice 1 fruit· Pepper powder 1 / 2 tsp· Tauco 3 tbsp· Leaves onion 3 stalks, cut into 2 cm· Green tomatoes diced 1 piece
Seasonings:· Red onion 5 cloves· Garlic 4 cloves· Onions 1 / 2 fruit· Ginger 1 vertebra pinkie· Laos 1 / 2 segment of the little finger· Bay leaves 3 leaves· To taste Oil for frying· Salt to taste· Sugar to taste· Air 3 cups· Red chillies 2 pieces in 1 cm pieces· Green chillies 2 pieces in 1 cm pieces· Chili pepper 6 pieces
Method:1. Dispose of fish scales and gills, keratkan fish, wash out2. Marinate with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Set aside3. Cook the water in the steamer, wait until the water boils4. Steam the fish until cooked. Lift, put dipiring food.5. Sliced red onions, onions.6. Crushed garlic, ginger, and laos7. Sauté the spices until fragrant.8. Add tauco and water9. Add green onion and tomato.10. Add salt and sugar. Cook until cooked green onions wilt. Lift.11. Sprinkle seasoning over the grouper which was placed dipiring misstatement.12. Serve.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Black Laris Manis

Who does not know coffee? Drink this one is known throughout the hemisphere. Not only because of its flavor alone has the character that makes people so like world, but also because this one drink that can be processed into a variety of menus with a mix of other ingredients.Coffee lovers are not only coming from one economic level as well as wine (wine). All economic levels, be it among the lower, middle, and the jet set will not be separated from the beverage which has a distinctive color is black. It's not a drink that discriminate castes.Once people coffee in the community, inspiring many people to make a drink made of raw coffee beans as the main menu. So bermunculanlah stalls, shops, cafes, or whatever it's called the package the coffee as its main attraction. As performed by the Central Jagrak (JT), one coffee shop and a place kongkow young people in the city of Malang."Basically I chose coffee because I really liked. So also with the millions of people out there, they like the coffee. For that reason I menhadirkan coffee place in Malang, "beber Owner Middle Jagrak, Nanda Mufli Setiawan.Realizing the coffee tastes different people, JT also presents a variety of menus and coffee that has flavors of different levels of coffee. There are high levels of coffee favored by heavy coffee enthusiast, coffee level medium for which do not want caffeine affected too thick, up to low levels of coffee are not suitable for strong caffeine."For the processed coffee with low levels, usually mixed with a grandchild with a rate of more than coffee. Prepared like this is suitable for those who do not bargain with the coffee. If you're forcing to drink pure coffee, the effect could make the heart pounding, cold sweat, until stomach pain, "said Nanda.In his own coffee shop, Nanda bring coffee with low caffeine content, such as Snewlake Chappuccino. If you want a stronger coffee flavor but with a different flavor, Orange Lover Coffee and Black & White Mocca could be the right choice. (Nda)

Snewlake Chappuccino(No photos with the same title)Material:1 sachet instant ChappuccinoSKM chocolate 2 tspEsense 1 teaspoon vanillaSugar to tasteHot water 200 ml
Directions:1. Chappuccino brewed with hot water, then add SKM esense chocolate and vanilla.2. If you like the taste that much sweeter, Chappuccino mixed with other ingredients can be added with sugar. But do not be too much added sugar "ingredients in instant cappuccino and SKM taste sweet enough.3. After all mixed, beat cappuccino coffee maker with an issue with the air pressure.4. As a final touch, you can add whipped cream on top cup.

Orange Coffee Lover(No photo dg same title)
Material:Black coffee 2 tsp3 tsp orange EsenseEsense 1 teaspoon vanilla2 tsp white SKMHot water 200-250 mlSugar to tasteDeaf / star anise 1 seed
Method:1. Enter the coffee in a saucer coffee maker. Input of water into the thermos coffee maker. After the hot water, brewed black coffee in the cup with a size of 200 ml.2. After steeping so, add the esense orange, vanilla, and sugar white SKM.3. Continue this process with stirring using a special stirrer coffee maker.4. Add whipped cream on top of the cup and add the spice types deaf (flower mace) as a sweetener display.

Black and White Mocca(No photo dg same title)
Material:Black coffee 2 tspEsense mocca 3 tspEsense 1 teaspoon vanilla2 tsp white SKMHot water 200-250 mlSugar to tasteSliced almonds 1 tspChoco chips 1 tsp
Directions:1. Enter the coffee and hot water in the coffee maker, then brewed and put into a 200 ml cup.2. Mix the coffee brew with esense mocca, vanilla, SKM and sugar according to taste.3. Stir this mixture with a mixer at the coffee maker.4. Add whipped cream on top of the cup, along with thinly sliced almonds and chocolate chips.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Chicken Noodle cart

Noodles are the food is very popular and well liked by everyone. Chicken noodle business as if no death because the devotees are still a lot. This is a broad market.
By using a cart that sold noodles easy to move closer to a place crowded. The cart can be a sign of recognition for the consumer. On the wagon could be written the name of the noodles, the color cart is easy to remember or images that invite noodles taste.
Preparation can begin by preparing the cooking equipment, including cart. Substantial expenditure on the manufacture of wagons. However, this is an investment because the cart is sturdy and not easily damaged, this durable equipment. If you want a wagon that comfortably under control, leave it to the experts. Making this wagon around Rp 1.2 million.
Do not forget to prepare the cooking equipment. It takes a cormorant, peniris, and bowls for the container.
Raw materials should be purchased fresh noodles from the noodle maker in the market or wet noodle special agent / fresh. Selection of raw materials is a major concern because this menu relies on a delicious noodles at once healthy.
Spices and toping was prepared in large quantities so that when traveling, will not run out of ingredients or toping.
The final step before starting to sell is looking for a strategic place, crowded, and easy to reach.
How to Make Chicken Noodle
Making toping. Cut the chicken into small pieces. Set aside. Finely chopped scallion. Seasoning mashed. Stir-fry seasoning, then enter the chopped chicken and cook until half cooked, put bay leaves and green onion. Cook again until cooked and sprinkle salt, sugar, and pepper. Remove and set aside. Toping abundant with a sense of fitting into a key demand.
Making gravy. Wash the chicken bones thoroughly. Boil in boiling water until completely cooked. Add garlic and other spices that have been sauteed. Cook until well blended.
How to Prepare. Boil chicken in the pot boiling noodles while dyed-dip. If you prefer, you can add pieces collards. Lift. Sprinkle seasoning (flavoring) and garlic oil (made from cooking oil and garlic mashed). Add noodles are cooked, stir. Serve with gravy, toping chicken, and sambal. If you want to look special can add meatballs.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Healthy Menu

Served as superintendent of Malang city government did not make Sutiarsih struggling with the job. Sidelines of duty, women are often channeled friendly shopping and cooking pleasure.Berputra mother of three is indeed a hobby cook for her family, knowing for health affairs he was the most attention. Cooking itself according to the woman who was familiarly called Anis is a way to avoid foods that are unhealthy."If the frequency of purchases, worried about preservatives. So often make themselves at home, "said Anis when Malang Post visited her home, located in East Semanggi road.Because families prefer home-based cuisine, Anis must always prepare ingredients for cooking in her kitchen. Unable sambang to the market every day, then this friendly mother was preparing a special shopping time on Saturday or Sunday to stock up for one to two weeks."On Saturday and Sunday is always a big expenditure. Because I like fish, so I often go to Pasuruan precisely to the center of fish sales. I can get fresh fish at a certain hour. At 5 am and 3 pm, at the hour of fresh fish just arrived, "he explained.Because like fish, then for this culinary Anis dorang choosing grilled vegetable sauce and sour green. Grilled sambal ijo dorang menu is a favorite family and friends Anis. Anise recipes is obtainable when he visited Sulawesi when business travel."I do not know for sure the recipe. I think about it, would like the menu now, "he added.Anis dorang fish usually purchased in the central fish market in Pasuruan. There, fresh fish purchased more than those sold in traditional markets in Malang and in the supermarket. With the condition of fresh fish, then Anis can store up to a period of two weeks in the freezer."I have a refrigerator to store food for a week. If I buy a new vegetable to a sudden, from a seller who passes in front of the house or into the oro-oro dowo market, "he said.Dorang fish, usually served Anis when there are special events, such as social gathering event, lawful gatherings, or just inviting friends to eat together. Of all the food that was served, the fish into the menu dorang sold out the first time when compared to other menus."Dorang Smbal beat the popularity of this green cap go meh lontong time bihalal kosher event. That's why I think this menu is a family favorite and my friends, "he explained.If Dorang sambal ijo so favorite menu, then as a companion, Anis make tamarind vegetables. Clear broth with a variety of vegetables are expected to make his family members remain healthy."I always avoid vegetable bersantan. But I also do not like boiled vegetables just because it's not there. So the alternative was a clear broth is cooked, so it remains healthy but no taste, "he explained. (Mafia)=Dorang Bakar Sambal IjoIngredients:Fish dorang 4 tails10 cloves garlicGreen chilies 1 ounceCooking oil to tasteSalt to tasteSugar to tasteOrange juice 1 fruitCharcoal tasteHow to make- Fish is cleaned, then both sides in the iris. Marinate with oil for the skin did not peel off when the fuel.- Fuel fish with medium heat from burning charcoal, while covered with lime juice to eliminate the fishy smell.- For the sauce, cut green chillies and garlic.- Puree the chilies and garlic that have been cut, but not too smooth. Put salt to taste.- Stir-fry sauce with enough oil until fragrant.- As a flavoring, add sugar a few moments before the green chilli cooked.- Serve fish with sambal ijo dorang and vegetables cucumbers, basil, lettuce and curlyTips:- To strengthen the flavor of grilled fish, seaiknyapembakaran using charcoal. The smell of smoke produced by charcoal will strengthen the aroma of fish rather than baked with oven or skillet Teflon- Do not use MSG. The combination of sugar and salt with a suitable composition can be a flavoring substitute for MSG are sold in the market- Should select a medium-sized fish. If too large cooking process would be too long because the flesh is thicker. (Mafia)
Vegetable AsemIngredients:- Long Beans 250 grams- Sweet corn 2 pieces- Sprout 100 grams- Pumpkin Siamese 2 pieces- Red onion 5 cloves- 5 cloves garlic- Large red chillies 2 pieces- Salt to taste- Sugar to taste- Acid 1 tsp / to taste- Pecan 4 piecesMethod:- Long beans cut approximately 5 cm, a large cut sweet corn, diced squash,- Puree the garlic and hazelnut- Chop the onion and red pepper cut into coarse- Boil water less than 500 cc- After boiling, insert wait until slightly cooked corn- Enter the seasoning of garlic and hazelnut that has been mashed, sliced onion, salt, red chili and tamarind have been slashed rough.- Enter the string beans and pumpkin, wait until done- Finally enter the soybean sprouts and sugar to taste.- ServeThese tips:- Vegetables are usually using starfruit wuluh tamarind to taste sour, but if no wuluh starfruit, tamarind can also be used as a substitute that has a strong sour taste.- For the corn should select sweet corn, sweet flavor can add a savory taste, in addition to the soft texture makes it more precocious. (Mafia)
About CulinaryDorangIn the market, there are two types of fish Dorang, dorang white and gray. In terms of price, these two brothers have differences, white dorang more expensive, about USD 36 thousand per kilo, while the gray dorang cheaper at around Rp 32 thousand per kilo. "White is more expensive because fewer sellers in pasaran.stok dorang more gray," said Anis.In terms of texture, white dorang have meat more chewy, but thinner. Instead dorang softer gray with a thicker flesh. But in terms of nutritional value, dorang white or gray the same height.The content in fish include iron which helps prevent the occurrence of anemia, iodine to prevent goiter disease, selenium as an antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals, and many more. (Mafia)
SquashCooking this one many processed for traditional Indonesian cuisine, ranging from cuisine berkuah nodes until the bersantan thick. Ve and vegetables tamarind one of them. These vegetables are very rich in fiber, vitamins A, B, and C, minerals and water, niacin, and a little albuminoid. Because it is cold, if eaten was cool and cold in the stomach.Flesh is composed of 90 percent water, 7.5 percent carbohydrates, 1 percent protein, fiber 0.6 percent, 0.2 percent ash and 0.1 percent fat. It also contains about 20 mg calcium, 25 mg phosphorus, 100 mg potassium, 0.3 mg iron, 2 mg sodium, as well as some medicinal chemicals. "Content of this squash has a high water content so that the launch of urination. Thus, excess uric acid can be immediately expelled from the body, "said the former athlete run this. (Mafia)Sweet cornSweet corn many housewives preferred because of easy cooking. Sweet taste and softer texture than the corn used to make sweet corn the higher popularity.Sweet corn contains carbohydrates, protein, vitamin C, folate, Niacin, and Thiamin, and low fat content. Each fruit corn contains 83 calories on average. Known as a staple food for thousands of years for the Maya, Aztecs, Incas and the Indians in North and South America. Now a lot of sweet corn grown in Africa, China, Russia and nearly all the world. "Corn can be filling without fattening. So sour vegetables with sweet corn is healthier family menu, "said Anis

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Guava Juice and Orange to Energizer

Consumption of fruit also become mandatory for athletes in addition to eating vegetables. In the family Mummy Elga, there are some pieces that have to be ready to make juice, the guava and orange. Both pieces are believed to maintain stamina and endurance families who have high activity in this sport."Juz guava important to stamina, as well as orange juice have vitamin C content," said Mami Elga.Ways of making these juices such as making juice in general. Only preferred guava fruit juice as an ingredient maker. Usually add a little honey for properties more pronounced. If you drink orange juice became mandatory after dining at home, yet another armed with a drink during the race. Usually the mom is always diligent in preparing energy drinks every time the princess in a race. The last time the race that followed Elga is a bicycle race in the Olympic arena in Singapore. And SMK N 9 Malang was also successfully achieved the order to seven participants from 32 countries

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eels Fried, Crunchy bitten

The length of an eel is not visible when presented on the plate. The texture of her skin covered with seasoned flour. Once bitten renyahnya real. One more alternative cuisine from culinary eel

Suki Warm Healthy

Want to eat well but stay healthy? If yes, then the menus suki be the right choice. Typical menu countries in East Asia it was recognized as the menu is very healthy. In addition to minimizing oil usage, suki made of fat-free ingredients.XO Suki restaurant manager, Andi Chandra Wijaya said, suki menu is a menu that is very meyehatkan because ripening relying boiling. Susi diverse inserted into the pan (pot / pan) containing a broth soup, after which it immediately enjoyed warm."Menu suki very precise consumed for anyone concerned with health. In addition to not use much oil, suki materials used are also free of fat. Indeed very high protein content, "said Andi at Malang Post, yesterday afternoon.Suki menu is also not a complicated dish in the making. Because the materials needed readily available in supermarkets, such as beef, fish, seafood and vegetables, and ripening processes are just entering into the soup. According to Assistant Sifu (chef) XO Suki, Gasianto, a little difficult only when making chicken soup course."For the manufacture of chicken soup takes a little longer because they have to take the essence of chicken. It took many hours to boil the chicken. But to own suki boiling only takes a total of 10 minutes. It can be done on the dining table, "he explained.In addition to chicken soup, suki can also be enjoyed with tom yam soup. Both types of this soup has a different character. If you have a savory taste of chicken soup, tom yam soup taste sour and slightly spicy."The process of making tom yam soup is also easier because the seasonings ingredients already available in the form of paste (so) at the supermarket. Live mixing with water, it can be used to enjoy a variety of suki, "added Gasianto. (Nda / han)
Recipe ala X.O Suki Suki MX MallSource: Gasianto (Assistant Sifu / Chef Suki XO MX Mall)
Bird Suki Seafood
Material:Squid Cuttlefish 250 gramsSize 25 4 shrimp tailsCrabstik 1 pieceBlack sesame seeds 8
Directions:1. Clean the squid, cuttlefish and sliced up to form sheets.2. Peel the shrimp shell but leave the tail, clean. Cut half of the shrimp body and not until the end.3. Crabstik sliced into eight pieces, set aside.4. Insert the cleaned shrimp into a sheet of squid cuttlefish. Set the shape to resemble a bird.5. To clarify the appearance, add black sesame in the eyes of the bird, then on the side of his body add crabstik sheet.6. Bird Suki Seafood ready boiled with chicken soup or soup tom yam.

Suki Beef Shrimp Roll
Material:Beef Slices 4 slicesLobster tails size 25 4Fish Meat Tengiri 200 grams
Directions:1. Peel the shrimp shell and leave the tail, then cleaned.2. Minced fish meat and divide into four tengiri.3. Beber beef slice, enter the shrimp with tail position is outside, and enter the fish meat grinder also tengiri. Roll up tightly and store in refrigerator.4. Once cool, Suki Beef Roll Shrimp ready boiled with chicken soup or tom yam soup.

Suki Tofu Cuttlefish Content
Material:Tofu 4 boxesSquid Cuttlefish 250 gramsCrabstik 1 pieceBlack sesame seeds 8
Directions:1. Tofu fried briefly, then split longitudinally in the middle. When splitting not to break up, set aside.2. Minced cuttlefish meat, for the four sections.3. Each section enter the hemisphere that has been fried tofu.4. As a sweetener, add black sesame to the eye and sliced lengthwise crabstik as a mouth.5. Store in the fridge, and if it is cold, can be served with chicken soup or tom yam soup according to taste.
Container Light Blue or White? In accordance Fill Your PocketsHearing the name XO Suki may still feel strange in the ears of lovers of culinary Malang. But if often a culinary tour in Jakarta or Surabaya, the name of this restaurant certainly is not foreign.XO Suki is a restaurant which serves special menus suki. In Malang, XO Suki present at MX Mall since 8 August. A total of 80 species of suki who served in the restaurant for this segment of middle to upper price range from Rp 9800 to Rp 26,800."To differentiate the price of each suki, suki we provide a tray with seven colors. Range the lowest price we put on a light blue. While for the most special we offer on round white plate, "beber Resto Manager XO Suki, Andi Chandra Wijaya.Although in Malang existing suki restaurant, XO Suki is not afraid of competition. Because the restaurant which already has a dozen branches in Jakarta, Surabaya and Medan has its own advantages. Besides the quality of materials selection and storage are considered, which makes the XO Suki suki special is a very beautiful presentation."One of them like Suki Seafood Bird that we made from cuttlefish and meat shaped like a bird. The forms which attract visitors of this beautiful and appetizing food, "he continued.Presentation suki one by one is also likely to differentiate steamboat. Although both use the pan (pots / pans), but the actual menu and steamboat suki different. If steamboat, direct purchase one package. Visitors can choose the contents are not as ready-made one. As for suki, the selection of its type in accordance with the tastes of visitors."If you prefer to crab, they can choose suki made of crab. If you prefer beef, choose the beef, and so on. Unlike the steamboat, all into one package, "explained the man who has lived in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Special Nasi Sambal

Material sauce:25 Gr Chilli pepperGr 50 red chillies50 Gr ShallotsGarlic 30 Gr50 Gr Tomato10 Limau Orange Gr1 teaspoon shrimp paste1 / 4 teaspoon salt1 / 2 tsp Sugar1 / 4 Tie basil1 tablespoon garlic oil

Method:1. Heat the oil after it's all fried sambal ingredients until wilted, remove2. Mix with shrimp paste, salt, sugar, lime and basil. puree all ingredients with the uleg flush with a little hot garlic oil.3. Sambal ready to serve with a variety of Side and vegetables and white rice warm.4. Sambal can penyet with various side dishes such as: anchovies, tempeh, tofu, gizzard ati, scrambled eggs, fried chicken, fish pindang5. Sambal can also be enjoyed with a variety of vegetables include: kale, eggplant, mushrooms, potatoes, mango young.6. Especially for Sea Food (sumi, snapper, shrimp) can be enjoyed with sambal eye

Friday, November 19, 2010

Patin Fuel

Enjoy the culinary offerings of the archipelago in the months heorik like this now it feels very good. That's why Montana Hotel Sahid archipelago presents a variety of special menus especially Timuran Java menu. Why choose Timuran Java menu because the moment of 10 November synonymous with the war in Surabaya. Thus, once fitted on this month when a variety of East Java menu served there.There are 20 types of food served in a food festival carpet Shaid Hotel Montana in the commemoration of 10 November this month. One of the special menu is a favorite hotel guests is grilled catfish. Menu catfish rarely can be found at various restaurants. Moreover, processed in the form of offering."Processing catfish that need special skills, and I happened to have lots of experience while still in Borneo before," said Executive Chef Hotel Sahid Montana, Donni Herman.Wherever, information Donni, grilled catfish menu definitely invaded visitors. That's why the festival this time to be grilled catfish there menu mainstay. In addition to delicious eaten, the menu also has catfish remarkable properties. For example, for blood circulation during healing. For this dish Chef Donni add spice which also supports the efficacy of the catfish. That black and white pepper. So that when eaten give effect to anyone who is enjoying the warmth.Chef Donni reminded to make grilled catfish, there are several processes that must be considered properly. Ranging from how to wash the fish. Catfish purchased must be fresh, and remove the protective skin that rancid until clean. If no effect on aroma and flavor of catfish. Also the way combustion must also be considered carefully. Combustion process must be done slowly so the meat cook until into the surface."After I grilled catfish will try other catfish creation of menus, so that people can Malang adventure with the pleasure of serving catfish," he explained.Grilled catfish dish can be enjoyed with a variety of chili sauce is also served at the Hotel Sahid Montana. There dabu sauce, chili sauce and soy sauce match. Make anyone who enjoyed it will not be willing mengosongi plate before the menu presented exhausted
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