Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hotel Tugu Malang

Monument Hospitality, Hotel Tugu Malang, this restaurant is first class. Suitable for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The menu varies from Indonesia to Europe. You can enjoy a collection of antiquities. Places that you should try. My favorite menu here Rice and Goat Foot Soto. Oh yeah, Ice Lemon Tea was perfect!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Depot 51 Malang

Depot 51, for me personally it cwie noodles (noodle dumplings) in Malang was delicious even though it is still there Cricket Noodle Gang, Hot Cwie Mie and others. Depot is small in numbers Jl. S. Parman near a red light and somewhat hard to find her because he did not put a billboard. Indeed, because the place is quite narrow making people have to turn to for obtaining the table. Oh yes please do not come on Tuesday, because they are not open holidays

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pecel Glintung

Pecel Glintung, in numbers Jl. S. Parman; pecel rice was tasty in Malang at least in my opinion although there are others like Mbok Jo, Pecel Kawi and so on. Pecel Glintung located on the side of the road but is located slightly down from the road. Spices and companion such as satay menu komoh, salted eggs and corn meatball make you enjoy it more exciting. We hope you agree with me after a try.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Meatball Cak Man

Meatball Cak Man, in front of the RS Lavallete shops. Well if that is a little different because you will be invited for a culinary adventure of Malang meatballs meatballs meatballs grilled to normal. What is interesting is the concept of self service. Suitable for the Only the gravity if you come late, do not be disappointed if some of the menu is up be preceded by other visitors.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Indie Resto Park

Indie Resto Park, in New Indie - Araya, a place that is perfect for dinner and is located on the riverbank. The best place for me under, and Burn Catfish special menu or Ox Tail Soup Fried. Place a fascinating and very distinctive. Plus romantic.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Padi Resto

Padi Resto & Gallery on Jl. Pahlawan Trip, gallery cum restaurant in a house in 30? An art deco style. My choice Cuisine: Steak with a dish Blackpepper Medium. Suitable for dinner. The best place if you need privacy choose a place on the floor above.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Oen Restoran in Malang

Oen Restaurant, a restaurant located near Malang Town Square was founded in 1930. Decor and display devices such as the time is still identical. My choice Cuisine: Steak Beef Tongue and brewed coffee. Oh yes the best place is from the main entrance you walk into the right direction, choose a table near the window. You will feel the cool breezy wind Malang. The best moment for me was to have lunch and spend time, guaranteed kagak going waitresses will be wondering what's going again, for know this restaurant is often used as a meeting point of the tourists who visit to Malang. So many foreign tourists who can sit for hours, including my own. Because Gramedia Bookstore alongside this restaurant, you can buy books and read them here at Scholastic brewed coffee accompanied you; while waiting for the wife and kids you shop at stores around the Square.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Inggil Restaurant on Jl. Gajah Mada, Malang

Inggil Restaurant on Jl. Gajah Mada, Malang, East Java ethnic distinctively decorated like a complete gallery with a collection of ancient objects colonial era which make very interested visitors. Cuisine of my choice: young mango sauce that matches Gurame Fried or Fuel. Best moment if you are having dinner because the atmosphere is very supportive if you want to experience the feel of colonial times to the accompaniment of live music songs of the past. Plus a touch of regional clothing from our waitress was friendly.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Indonesian Fried Rice Champion

See you again with us, blogs culinary and snack poor the most in Indonesia .. remember the vision and our mission to make this blog go international, this edition will visit the culinary crew who called himself the "Indonesian fried rice champions" .. view the word "champion", which means the winner or winners, then that is on our minds is to taste the glory and superiority we will enjoy .. name that is very tempting I think .. oops .. but do not get me wrong first, because we will enjoy the cuisine of the winners, not in a fancy restaurant doric columns were medieval, but a simple stall vendors in the area of the Soekarno-Hatta in the unfortunate of course ... stalls from outside view, this looks just like a regular sidewalk stall in general, by distinguishing a tent with the title "champion Indonesian fried rice". But when juxtaposed with sidewalk cafes in general, is relatively small shop stall five foot five-star, because this shop is very clean and bright lighting ..

okay now what about food? in accordance with its title, the main dish which traded at this shop is a menu mainstay Indonesian fried rice champion (Rp8500). Besides these stalls also menyajiakan special fried rice, fried noodles, etc. (more can be seen in the figure below)

There are several advantages of the food menu here, should its price above the "SHNGN" (Standard Rates National Fried Rice, red) that is 8500 dollars while the standard price of 5000 rupiah, but the fried rice champion presents quality cuisine .. because honestly, the taste was clean and not greasy like fried rice in general. Plus a sprinkling of chicken meat and egg fractions that dominate, and a surprise, because when there is splitting bulirang2 rice, then you will find the egg like a treasure trove of brilliant ... And for those of you who are busy and not much time to wait for orders, this place would be heaven for you, because for the presentation only takes no more than 3 minutes, very fast, brilliant .. And of course, from a matter of taste, it's fried rice is the champion ... from an overall assessment, it can be said this is a high quality food ..

There is one more thing to remember, because fried rice shop is only open Indonesian champion at the time just before dusk, alias evening until late at night alone .. and also you do not come too late, because it is usually above the hours of 9 and above, this shop has soldout ... and the end of the word, continue to follow our journey through the exotic culinary tour and a very tempting snacks poor taste .. See you at the next coverage ..

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Unique Food nan its Central Malang Delicious!

Malang City which has stood for hundreds of years rich culinary heritage and diversity as well as snacks that are the result of acculturation various cultural communities that inhabit this city. Various tribes inhabit the beautiful city of Malang, comfortable and has many public facilities are well maintained. City parks in the city of Malang, now even been equipped with Internet hotspots, allowing everyone to access the latest information. Places to eat and snacks are sold in the city of Malang was quite cheap and affordable prices as well as having its own historical value that should not be underestimated. Regarding taste, of course, very tasty and filling. Uniqueness may be matched with the cuisine and snacks in the other cities in Indonesia.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Cuisine from Malang

Pecel Panderman in front of the school open every day Panderman
Malang Pecel Plaza is open from 6 - 9 am in front of the unfortunate park plaza
Pecel Rajekwesi on the road rajekwesi

Meatball Samut located on the slopes to the right before the bridge Tidar
Meatball gun pack is located in the Kawi Matos
traditional meatballs in retawu
ABM grilled meatballs on the road Trowulan
ma baksi in front hwaind Blimbing

Noodles and fried dumplings bakmie:
Wonton noodle 51
dumpling noodles in Kawi Widari
dumpling noodles in depot Sawahan

Interest cafe bali

Soto basketball
Soto Lombok

Hok sate plaza lay in poor near

in near uNmer unversity

Tofu egg:
Anis in wine
ma know next egg chili soup

Sunday, December 5, 2010

kuliner from malang

Warung Bu Haji Arema Java Menu Arema terms, the intersection Kidul Dalem, never entered his culinary tour Pak Bondan Winarno .... many who give a rating of 10/10 from culinary tabloid2

Hornet Ice: Ice mixed with real sugar draws bees who do not know their origins. So we drank ice accompanied by the bees ....
Unique ... at the intersection Kidul Dalem, Big Market.

Current events and Ketan Main menu: sticky rice, bean powder, liquid sugar, coffee, tea, ginger.
Location: corner of the intersection Rampal - SKI, crossroad ahead Kauman RSB Muhammadiyah, the billiard Talun Gang

Mix Buk Buk Sego Named for the sale of which in the language of Madura Ibu2 called Buk. Main menu: nasi ve vegetables, fried lungs, offal, chicken, Empal Location: Next to the Brantas gas station, Station Shopping Town, South's front Dalem Saguanto, Kebalen Market and Large Market

Mie Goreng and Jowo Sego, Sego Resek Main Menu: fried rice white / chaotic, noodles fried / boiled. Location: corner of the intersection next to the garage Kasin Vespa, every corner of the intersection of Merapi - Burying (RRI Lama), Gang and buildings near the intersection Pattimura WISH / BTC, front Gang Wetan Soto Bell Markets, Mr. Wulan Klampok Kasri, Spicy Fried Goat in a village Klampok Kasri

Martabak and Light of the Moon Local Main menu: martabak eggs, bright moon, out paste, menjes. Location: Market Senggol, Kelud, Martabak front Dinoyo Holy Soto, Bang Sohel Tongan, Cairo Kauman fork, front pertokoaan General Partner

Fried Snack In every corner of the alley and in pasar2 encountered fried seller. Main menu: cassava, sweet potatoes, menjes tempeh, tofu brontak, weci, tape, bakwan, kokam, gandoz, glutinous misbegotten, black sticky tape etc.. Location: Jalan Gajayana alley next to the Salon Didiet, Kaliurang, railway crossroad Ciliwung

Called Market Snack snack market because almost every market there is this street sellers. Very typical of a full Java legit, grated coconut, fragrant pandan en sweet liquid sugar Main Menu: putu, Lopis, cenil, Klepon, gatot, sawut, horok2, glutinous Location: Gang Home Dunkin Donuts Celaket, morning and night markets

Orem-Orem Main Menu: vegetable tempeh orem2 (vegetable turmeric), crackers, rice cake or rice. Location: front Kebalen market, railways Boldi, Carpentry front Cinemas Jaya, adayang driven sales in the area Dinoyo, Gajayana and Veterans

Sego Korak and Rice Mix Dubbed korak Duck because the menu is very sloppy and cheap price. Main menu: vegetable ve, nodes, soup, bean sprouts, tempeh or tofu dishes plus crackers plus tea or plain water can pait added bonus of a cigarette. Medium rice (food) is a duck and fried rice dishes pecel weci Location: corner of Dam Sutami fork in the road down to the Teachers' Training College through Ambarawa, small gang2 around Surabaya and Jombang IKIP street, alley Kerto2an in IAIN and UB, Kelud front, front Markets Together, fork in the road Jakarta - Ijen (duck rice special open night)

Docks outstanding Chinese-style food with a menu almost identical among the hundreds of itinerant traders typically while beating the gong (dok dok). Main menu: a la chinese food fried rice, fried noodles boiled ato, pu yung hai, jay stamp, tami fried, butter chicken, rice chaotic, mihun etc. Location: usually clustered in front of the Bank Bali road Semeru, UNMER gate, fork in the road of Jakarta - Ijen or in every corner of the housing and kost2an

Soto Soto Dok Lamongan meat, sold with typical style with soy sauce bottle slammed hard 'DOK' sounds so called cheap + surprise! Main menu: soup meat, beef offal, meatball potatoes and sweet tea legit. Location: First is the hallmark of the Cinema President Jl. Kegusur Sarangan now moved front corner of the building and in the kiosk market pulosari Tawangmangu

Typical Babon Soto soto fat hen Location: Old Market Bentoel scrap metal

Soto Ayam Lamongan Oro2 Dowo and in Tlogomas, Lombok and branches Typical Road near STIA special Tlogomas pake koyah (soybean powder)

Soto Kambing (Ngelo) Typical soup with goat meat and innards koyah and lontong much lard (fat). Location: Near Campus III Unmuh Tlogomas (Terminal Landungsari)

Typical Shampoo Soto Soto Lombok is similar but more pronounced spices (spicy). Location: Shampoo Square intersection (near Navy SMAN 5) with a simple yantg shop (beware like queuing and discharged before 11 hours Malem)

Characteristic of Malang meatballs, tofu, dumplings and meatballs that besar2, rough meatballs, fried, tofu, noodles, beef offal, etc. mihun. Location: banks, Glintung, Gang Kemirahan front, rear Partners II, T-junction Halmahera market, etc. Gajayana. plus rombong2 are encouraged in residential

Sego Pecel In various versions of Blitar, Madiun, Ponorogo or lokalan. Can be found at Jalan Gede (Dempo), Rajekwesi Road, Jalan Kawi with branches in Lt. S. Parman near Wijaya Kusuma and Dinoyo market front, front Sutami Dam Road gas station / Unmuh Campus II, Market Mergan - fit for breakfast!

Round typical drink with peanut, ginger spicy and served hot and kind Klepon Angsle containing white bread with coconut milk broth full of flavor. Location: almost in every village there are selling at night

Know Petis and Egg Tofu cut into small (mixed egg omelette), fried and served with sticky paste, peanut sauce, rice cake, bean sprouts, or rice and crackers kecil2. Location: Near SMAN 5 night, front Kasin Sego Resek intersection and the alley next to the Rays UB (front boat UB Engineering)

Know Mix Although called out but that element of him a little, mixed lot: cassava, vegetable salad, bean sprouts, tofu, suun, spice paste and beef broth plus

Wonton Noodle Location: Rear SMA Dempo, pujasera pulosari, road ride Cape - Mergan, Isor Uwit Oro2 Market Dowo front, front Gloria Plaza Mie Malang, Mie Gajah Mada Chinatown next to Rahman Sports

ITB, STMJ Typical hot drinks all the milk, egg, honey, ginger is an added plus ginseng and medicinal herb chicken eggs 1 / 2 ripe. Location: In the night scattered in every corner of the city, Jalan Kawi, Bareng near Watermelon Road, Jalan Surabaya, pujasera pulosari usually equipped with Corn Bread and

Rojak Petis (Cingur) Location: almost every village there, Amprong Road, Jalan Lawu (moved Sawojajar) Tenes Rujak Sweet and Ice Stadium Stadium and Primagama Degan Semeru Road, City Station, Corner Shop front BTC Pajajaran

Sego Trancam rice with side dishes of vegetables ve know, urap2, typical lamtoro called seglo slametan or sego grave (the dead). Location: in pasar2, Kasin the Sego Resek

Warung Lele Pecel Citra Kawi and Soekarno Hatta, Kampung Klaseman (morning), Home Banking Unmer (night) and a number of other places. Fried carp and Fuel in Pujasera2 and Resto as in the garden Great Experience

Chicken Satay ARODAM almost in every corner of the city available

Tempe Penyet Kasin Tombs, another warung2 Tempe Tempe Sanan and chips

Ayam Bakar Mr. Kasin Sawahan No gas station and a number of other places

Fried Chicken and Fried Chicken Home Banking Unmer, Jalan Gading Pesantren Galunggung front and in Pujasera2

Wicked Rawon Kawi Top incoming Together, Nguling, Public intersection Muharto

Bang Sohel Tongan Sate Gule and Etas Mbik in various corners of the city

Sea Food in each pujasera, jomplangan Ciliwung

Pujasera Dempo, Bondowoso, pulosari, Soekarno Hatta, Kawi, Solo River (Sanan / Purwantoro road logam2)

Various stalls Sunday at the Stadium menu pake Moko (Car Shop)

Warung Top: Marhaen, Nyik Sun, Public Lama H. Ridwan, Panglima Sudirman, Lesehan Stadium, Citra, Hok Lay, Toko Oen, Chicken Tenes, Youth Chicken, Chicken Prambanan, Ringin Asri

Pecel Glintung, in numbers Jl. S. Parman; rice pecel terenak in Malang at least in my opinion although there are others like Mbok Jo, Pecel Kawi and so on. Pecel Glintung located on the side of the road but is located slightly down from the road. Spices and companion such as satay menu komoh, salted eggs and corn meatball make you enjoy it more exciting. We hope you agree with me after a try.

Monument Hospitality, Hotel Tugu Malang, this restaurant is first class. Suitable for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The menu varies from Indonesia to Europe. You can enjoy a collection of antiquities. Places that you should try. My favorite menu here Rice and Goat Foot Soto. Oh yeah, Ice Lemon Tea was perfect!

Fried Chicken Bang Saleh, the number Karangploso. The only restaurant that serves free white rice. Sambal Eggplant Fried Chicken and its awful. Because of its location to the Stone of direction Karanglo; maybe you should stop by for lunch at this place than met jam (if you're out of luck) on the way to Stone. A fun place.

Dim Sum, Hotel Gajah Mada. In Malang, there are several restaurants serving dim sum such as the KDS at Araya and Cricket S. Gang Restaurant Parman; but somehow dim sum at the Hotel Gajahmada this feels more comfortable with a relatively affordable price. We recommend that you and the family came the morning around 07.30. Not that anything gets kagak worry Sikh desk if the hotel were many guests, because the area used is to eat breakfast hotel guests as well.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

culinary from Malang

Malang food is good and Unique Culinary Malang Following List:

Public Special Sambal In regions deket Sengkaling. About a 100 meters before Sengkaling on the right road there Sambal Specials board.
Open every day at 1:00 am until 22:00 pm during a special closed Monday. His guaranteed sambal ... steady

Ayam Bakar Lampung. Sardo our driveway next to 100 meters into the street.
open at 6 pm to 11 pm

Mbok Sambel Jayuz .. its steady sambal + Cewek2 ABM ABM open areas around the afternoon and evening

Rice claw .. Open 9 pm until dawn .. Carrefour front

Jl region Sukarno Hatta STMJ front of his Happy Puppy .. His STMJ not exist who can ngalahin mantab

Surabi Malang like Surabi bandung. but the taste may be in error.
near the station.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fish chips Kelapan

Quality of marine fish snack, perfect for a snack or for additional side dishes.It feels good and will increase your appetite.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Soup for Breakfast, Dinner Until

FOR Dyah Rachmalita, Lita owner Decoration glass painting, cooking is not the main thing. Fun in the media painted glass make these veiled women rarely are in the kitchen. But that does not mean there is no menu that became his favorite. There was a light menu that makes Lita occasional foray into the kitchen.His favorite menu is soup and Shrimp Fried Sweet Corn Flour. Usually, two menus are the mainstay of Lita for the breakfast menu or lunch. Especially for fried shrimp, as well as an additional side dish, too often enjoyed as a snack.Corn soup, for Lita is suitable for consumption at any time, even when the stomach rumbling when required to work overtime to make design of glass painting, which is the menu's most powerful drug."Texture is not heavy, but quite pleasant. Because carbohydrate and fat little or almost not there, so it remains safe even if consumed at night, ".Usually for lunch, Lita get around the additional corn soup with rice. Foods with high carbohydrate content is said Lita able to meet the needs of energy intake is large enough to keep the stomach did not go off until dinner time arrived."In addition to its needs, as well as habit. His name is also the Javanese, not comfortable if you do not eat rice, "he said as he chuckled.Especially for fried shrimp, as well as an additional side dish, too often enjoyed as a snack. This menu is used as a variety of dishes at night when his companion overtime."Moreover, today many orders from Jakarta, so it should be much nglembur night. Yes if you do not snack shrimp corn soup. Just when I'm bored, buy a meal outside, "he said
Sweet Corn SoupThis dish is most enjoyable when they are cold. Warm nan thick gravy spiced sweet pepper with shelled corn can be enjoyed with rice to make it more filling.
Material- Sweet corn 1 / 2 kg- Meatball 70 grams (5 points)- 5 cloves garlic- Pepper powder 1 tablespoon (to taste)- Egg 1 item- Sugar 1 teaspoon- 1 teaspoon salt- 2 stalks celery- Water 1 liter- 4 tablespoons flour
Estimated cost: USD 20.000 / 4 servingsHow to make- Corn steamed until half-cooked about 15 minutes after it is combed- Puree the garlic and pepper, stir-fry until fragrant- Cut the meatballs into four sections- Boil water in a saucepan, put the meatballs, sweet corn and seasonings that have been pan-fried, leave for two minutes.- Whisk the eggs and then enter into the saucepan while stirring slowly.- To get an impression ketal, mix flour with water to dilute, enter into a panic, stirring constantly.- Add sugar and salt to taste. If less was spicy, pepper powder can be added.- Last enter the celery that has been cut roughly.- Sweet Corn Soup is ready to serve
Tips- Try using sweet corn because it will memberika aroma and taste more delicious than ordinary corn- As a variation can be added to a mixture of sausage, chicken, carrots, or other vegetables.- Wheat flour used to thicken the water can be replaced with cornstarch. As a result, will gravy thick but still clear.
Shrimp Fried FlourBesides as a side dish, fried shrimp can also be enjoyed as a snack while watching a soccer match. Suggested eaten while hot with chilli sauce accompanied.
Material:- Shrimp 1 / 2 kg- Orange juice 1 tablespoon- Salt to taste- 2 cloves garlic- 150 grams flour- 1 egg- ½ teaspoon baking powder- Sufficient water
Method:- Skin peel shrimp, leaving head and tail exhaust. Cut back to remove the dirt.- Mix the lime juice, salt and garlic. Enter the shrimp and stir well, allow 30 minutes for flavor to infuse.- Whisk the eggs, put them in the flour and baking powder, mix with water to dilute- Dip the shrimp into the flour batter, fried in hot oil until cooked.- Remove and drain.
Tips:Today many spices flour sold in the market. if you want practical, choose only one brand of flour providers seasoning for fried shrimp.

Soft shell, no hassle
LOCATED in the highlands, where to eat in the city of Malang rarely featuring seafood menus. But that does not mean nothing at all shop or restaurant which serves seafood such. One of the restaurants that serve it is RM Fish Burn 52.
In this restaurant quite a lot of variants to choose from seafood menu. Call it a variety of crab, squid processed, to a variety of fish cooked in various ways and distinctive flavor.
One of the mainstay in the dining menu is Crab Soka menu. Soka Crab is a type of crab is different compared to other crab species. According to RM Fish Owner Fuel 52, Farida, the most fundamental difference between Crab Soka with other crab species lies in its shell.
"If ordinary hard shell crab, but if Soka soft shell crab. So shell crab is eaten as meat, "
Soft Shell Crab Soka is no other place because of the different animals. Namely crab legs are cut first when the cattle are made. Then approaching the harvest, the legs of these crabs grow with the new shell is soft.
In RM Fish 52 Fuel own visitor can enjoy the Crab Soka with various offerings. For lovers of spicy, black pepper seasoning can choose. Plain and spicy sour sauce. And those who choose safe, sweet and sour flavor, barbeque, salted egg, curry and fried flour could be the right choice.

Salted Egg Crab Soka
- 150 grams of soft-shelled crabs, cut into pieces
- Wheat flour is 50 grams of protein
- Tang mien flour 20 grams
- Baking powder 10 grams
- Cooked salted egg yolks 3 eggs, mashed
- Margarine 20 grams
- Water 60 ml
- Cooking oil 750 ml

1. Mix all ingredients except egg yolks and margarine. Mix well.
2. Heat oil, fry the crab until golden. Remove and drain.
3. Heat the margarine, put the egg yolks. Mix well.
4. Enter the crab, dressed crab stir until eggs. Remove and serve.

To make seafood does not smell fishy when served, soaking before cooking should be done first with lemon juice. Soaking is not necessary for too long because it could interfere with the texture of flavor.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Seafood Restore Power

One of the restaurant which serves seafood in the city of Malang is the Park Indie Resto Araya. Located in the northern city of Malang, there are a variety of seafood-based menu that can be selected by foodies. Like squid, shrimp, catfish pomfret and so forth.
Ripening process was also varied. One way to cook the most favorite to present the processed seafood restaurant in Taman Indie is to be burned. Here, almost all seafood can be cooked by fire. Of course, with a variety of creative menus and seasoning to taste variants.
Manager Park Indie Resto, Nana Wintoro said, from some grilled seafood menu served in the Garden Indie Resto, there are two menu favorites, namely Shrimp Cumi Bakar Jimbaran and pincers. Both have a different taste because dikreasikan from different regions.
"For Shrimp Bakar Jimbaran is a creation of Bali's traditional recipes. While squid pinchers, creations of traditional Javanese cuisine. Characteristic for Balinese spices usually reddish in color. As for the flavor of Java, there is a touch of brownish color and taste legit.
Pleasure of eating the processed sea in the Garden Indie Resto will increasingly peaked when foodies choose a location on the river side. Mini rice fields complete with views of the river flow clear nan make anyone who was in this place more comfortable to enjoy a variety of processed seafood delights.
"Visitors are most like the river-side location. At that location, they are not only eager to enjoy the meal but also enjoy the beauty of the landscape"

Udang Bakar Jimbaran
By: Executive Chef Park Indie Resto, Heru Atmadji

Windu Shrimp Size 25 200 grams
Red onion 3 cloves
1 clove Garlic
Red Chilli 3 seeds
Plum Sauce 2 tbsp
1 tablespoon honey
Salt and Sugar to taste
Lime 1 pc

1. Rinse shrimp and then split in half crosswise. To eliminate rancidity and keep the freshness, kecruti tiger prawns with lemon. Set aside.
2. Blend seasoning, the onion, garlic and red chili. Then add the salt and sugar. Saute ingredients until fragrant.
3. Once cooked and aromatic spices, combine plum sauce and honey added with salt and sugar. Stir until blended.
4. Prepare fire, good tiger shrimp in a grill. Brush both sides of shrimp with herbs spread as he burned. Back and forth until the reddish color of shrimp (cooked) and smelled delicious. After that lift.
5. Udang Bakar Jimbaran Serve with hot white rice, sambal kangkong Plecing eye and Bali.

· Tiger shrimp with 25 point size is 1 kg contains 25 tails. Size is classified as medium and most fit to be cooked by burning.
· Plum sauce in this recipe can be found in supermarkets.
· Cooking shrimp with baked way need not be too long. In addition to mature quickly, if shrimp baked too long they will make the meat becomes hard.

Cumi pinchers
By: Executive Chef Park Indie Resto, Heru Atmadji

Squid Cuttlefish 250 grams
Laos 1 vertebra
Red onion 3 cloves
1 clove Garlic
2 stalks lemongrass
Citrus Leaves 2-3
Ginger 1 vertebra
Red Sugar 35 grams
50 ml Sweet Soy Sauce
2 tablespoons butter
Salt and Sugar to taste

1. Rinse squid, cuttlefish and remove the black skin color. Set aside.
2. Blend seasoning consisting of laos, onion and garlic. Saute seasoning with a little oil after refined. Add lime leaves, lemongrass and ginger are already digeprak. Stir fry until fragrant.
3. Enter the squid into the spice-scented aroma release, followed by brown sugar and add a little water until sunset squid and add the sugar and salt to taste. Cook until cooked and tender squid.
4. Remove squid and using a bamboo stick that has been sliced crosswise so as to form a clothespin. In order to clamp does not open, lockable with red chili cut with a width of 2 cm. Set aside.
5. Prepare coals for grilling. While preparing coals, mix soy sauce and butter and stir well. Soy sauce is used to spread when baked squid.
6. Grilled squid in the embers of the fire as he smeared ketchup sauce and inverted. Because previous squid is cooked, the roasting process does not take too long.
7. Serve squid pincers with distinctive eye Balinese sambal and warm white rice.

• Use the squids cuttlefish because the meat more tender. Do not use squid bekutak because although large, but the meat is tough.
· At the time of cleaning squid ink, squid heads should not be discarded. Fixed include in the body by way of slipping inside.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Modifications Pacri Own Meat

COOKING for Pranatalia Pratami Nugraheni, public relations staff of UB, a derivative hobby from his parents who also likes to make processed food for the family meal.As a retired civil servant, parents of the woman who was familiarly called Leah is a lot of exploring various cities in order to service at the Central Institute of Statistics (BPS), from where the mother is able to make preparations, which later in his creations into a new menu.Mother of one child said, the meat became one favorite food on his family. Processed meat is cooked for the satay, rendang, until Pacri many served as one of the daily menu."No need to wait for any special occasion, if you want made," said the eldest of three brothers.On the sidelines of busyness as a publicist, Leah always take the time to cook. Usually if the morning had not visited the kitchen, then Lia chose the night as the perfect time to prepare food."Sometimes to find food that is also durable, able to eat all day," he said.But too often, Leah must often cook, especially when there are families who sambang to his house located on the street Fish Piranha."Most of the time ripe to create a niece asked her mother," Auntie here kok cook it? "Hahaha," the story of Leah chuckled while her nephew imitate speech.This time, Lee was invited to cook meat Parci. Food typical of Pontiac is basically made from the main pineapple. However, because the family of the mother of Abhishek (2 years), this includes meat lover, then the preparations were slightly modified to better suit the tastes."First try (cooking) time in Pontianak. Strange at first because of him that yes pacri pineapple. But after a try, people there like it too. Every social gathering there are events like this ripe, "the story of Leah.Cooking is also a favorite both Leah and the family is Kerapu Taucho seasoning. The basic ingredients for grouper is processed by steaming. This food is a favorite of the father because the manufacturing process is not much use of oil."Grouper has a soft textured flesh and a lot of it was white. Even in the head there was thick enough so the meat can be enjoyed, "he said.
Eliminate rancid meat softenedSame material, but if cooked by different people could be different also result. Well, there are a few tips from the Culinary Leah serve for you. Can be directly put into practice at home nich. . .
GrouperGrouper Grouper traffic system is the main ingredient for seasoning Taucho. Marine fish that live in coral reefs has a name well-known coral reef fishes. As is generally characteristic of fish, grouper also have to rank the level is high enough.To overcome this, Lee has some tips. The first is to clean the fish scales to really clean. "The contents of the stomach and gills should also be discarded. Source of stench was there, "says Lia.By removing the entrails and gills, the fish will be more durable because the cause of the smell was gone. "Fish is also not quickly decay," he said.The second stage is to soak the fish with a mixture of lime juice, salt and pepper. This mixture was in addition to effectively remove the smell of fish was also able to make the fish meat has a flavor.
OnionsOnions are large. onions are usually not used directly discharged. So as not to quickly decompose, then Leah suggested that the section used first is the top (base)."If it is left the end, it will not quickly decay because he can grow. Later if allowed to get out long shoots, "he explained excitedly.
PineapplePineapple on Pacri in addition to functioning to build a sense of fresh also serves to soften the meat. Choice of beef cooked with scrubs in a pineapple will make the process of softening the meat becomes faster."The ability to soften the meat pineapple higher than papaya. I never cooked goat meat is covered with pineapple. The meat can be destroyed lho for being too soft, "the story of Leah.
DeafDeaf has a Latin name Illicium verum. In some areas, one kind of spice it had a different name. In Java, call deaf people, the Balinese call him as star anise, while European countries called star anise because of its shape resembles a star."Its function is to smell the food. Simply one deaf to a pot of meat pacri. Herbs can be purchased at the store, the supermarket was there, "he explained.
Sugar = MSGThe combination of salt and sugar is the flavor of the most healthful. Do not use artificial flavorings
PACRI MEATMaterial:· Scrubs beef in 1 / 2 kg diced· Pineapple diced peeled 2 pieces· Santan from half coconut· Salt to taste· Sugar to taste· Cooking oil for sauteing
Blend:· Red onion 6 cloves· Garlic 5 cloves· Coriander 1 / 2 tsp· Flashed 10 grains· Deaf 1 pc· Chili 6 units· Paste 1 tsp· Cumin to taste· Turmeric 1 / 2 segment of the little finger· Red sugar to taste· Ginger a joint thumb
Crushed:· Laos a joint thumb· 2 stalks Lemongrass
Method:1. Materials that have been mashed sauteed until fragrant2. Enter the beef and pineapple that have been diced3. Cook until meat is tender4. Enter the coconut milk, cook until sauce thickens slightly5. Add salt and sugar to taste
Grouper seasoning TAUCHO
Material:· Grouper 3 / 4 kg· Orange juice 1 fruit· Pepper powder 1 / 2 tsp· Tauco 3 tbsp· Leaves onion 3 stalks, cut into 2 cm· Green tomatoes diced 1 piece
Seasonings:· Red onion 5 cloves· Garlic 4 cloves· Onions 1 / 2 fruit· Ginger 1 vertebra pinkie· Laos 1 / 2 segment of the little finger· Bay leaves 3 leaves· To taste Oil for frying· Salt to taste· Sugar to taste· Air 3 cups· Red chillies 2 pieces in 1 cm pieces· Green chillies 2 pieces in 1 cm pieces· Chili pepper 6 pieces
Method:1. Dispose of fish scales and gills, keratkan fish, wash out2. Marinate with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Set aside3. Cook the water in the steamer, wait until the water boils4. Steam the fish until cooked. Lift, put dipiring food.5. Sliced red onions, onions.6. Crushed garlic, ginger, and laos7. Sauté the spices until fragrant.8. Add tauco and water9. Add green onion and tomato.10. Add salt and sugar. Cook until cooked green onions wilt. Lift.11. Sprinkle seasoning over the grouper which was placed dipiring misstatement.12. Serve.
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